Before registering, please review these FAQs. Once you're ready, you can register HERE.
What are the fees associated with registration?
There are two fees associated with registration: Registration itself and a Volunteer Obligation Fee.
For Spring 2025, the fees for registration are:
Registration Fee
Instructionals = $75 + Volunteer Obligation Fee
Minors = $100 + Volunteer Obligation Fee
Majors = $125 + Volunteer Obligation Fee
Seniors = $125 + Volunteer Obligation Fee
Volunteer Obligation Fee
While we do require a Volunteer Fee, the truth is we don't want to keep your money. We prefer your involvement and for you to volunteer to help keep the league functioning. Everything that happens in our league from communication to coaching, league meetings to keeping the equipment organized, concession to cleaning the fields happens because of league members like you volunteering their time.
To ensure we have enough human power to make sure everything happens, we collect a Volunteer Fee upfront as part of your registration fee.
We want YOU, not the money.
Volunteer Obligations by Division
Work three (3) sessions/events:
One (1) concession date (required)
Two (2) other sessions/events
Work two (2) other sessions/events (see list below)
Home Field Requirement (Minors/Majors/Seniors)
Home team must provide two (2) volunteers to work concession during a game.
Failure to provide volunteers results in the home team forfeiting the game.
If a volunteer needs to reschedule her/his/their concession date, they are responsible for securing a replacment. Not securing a replacment will result in a forfeit of the Volunteer Fees.
Concession Obligation
Every minors/majors/seniors family is required to work one (1) concession session.
If a family has multiple girls enrolled in the league, the obligation at the highest division applies. (For example, If you have a player in Instructionals and Seniors, the volunteer obligations of Seniors applies.)
No other family can work on behalf of another family with express, written permission of the league. The goal is to get families involved, and not risk burn out of volunteers.
Positions that Fulfill the Full Volunteer Obligation (No additional sessions required)
Full-year board member
Spring season manager, coach, or assistant coach
Team parent
Other Sessions/Events
The following list provides opportunities to meet the Required Volunteer Obligations (for Minors/Majors/Seniors, this is in addition to the concession obligation):
Three (3) pre-game field preparations and post-game cleanups
One (1) game of scoreboard operation
Pre-season field clean up
Opening Day
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Community Day
End of Year Party
Golf Tournament
Additional concession date
How do I know what division an athlete should sign up for?
First, identify the player's league age (different than actual age). To identify a softball player's league age, use this calculator: Little League Age Calculator
Once you know the Little League age of the player, you can use the information below to determine what division she should be registered for:
Ages 4 through 7 = Instructionals
Ages 8 through 10 = Minors
Ages 11 through 13 = Majors
Ages 14 through 16 =Seniors
If you still have questions about what division an athlete belongs in, email us.
Are there any grants available?
Unfortunately, all grants provided by Little League International have already been claimed.
We have installment plans available to help minimize the upfront cost of softball registration. You will be able to view the options during registration.
Please note: If your family is facing a hardship, please email us and we can discuss options on a case-by-case basis. We do not want a girl to be unable to play because of financial reasons.
I would like to help the league. How can I find out what's available?
We love hearing this! Please reach out to us by email and let us know. Please let us know if you have skills, talents or experience that you would like to utilize with the league. We tend to have open positions and we are open to creating one to fit what you can bring to the league.
I have other questions that are not answered here.
Please check the ESSLL FAQs page to see if your question is answered there. If not, please reach out!